The Office of Marketing and Communications offers the following tools, guides, and templates to assist you in your on-brand communications with internal and external audiences. Please contact with questions.

Recruiting Tool Kit for Faculty

Are you a faculty member interested in promoting your program to prospective students?
Here are five easy ways you can market your academic program!



Protecting the Carthage Brand

The Carthage College and Carthage Athletics logos are vital to the Carthage brand. Our logos represent Carthage at the highest level. It’s our signature, our identifier, and a stamp of quality. It’s important that all Carthage materials follow our brand guidelines, so we can present a clear, consistent, and unified message about Carthage. Please check with the Office of Marketing and Communications before creating any materials that use the Carthage logo, Firebirds logo, or Carthage Athletics logo. Unfortunately, items that do not adhere to our brand guidelines cannot be permitted on campus and may need to be removed/reproduced at your expense. If you have questions, please contact Steve Janiak.